The Levites Large 5" x 7" Note Cards

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The Levites Large 5" x 7" Note Cards

by Rosemarie Adcock

The painting on wood by Rosemarie Adcock is a depiction of how God adopted the tribe of the Levites as His own inheritance instead of the firstborn male of every tribe as it had been done before chapter 3 of the Book of Numbers. The Levites were set apart for God's service to care for the temple and as the worship leaders and musicians of the Old Testament. They received no inheritance when the lands were divided, because the Lord determined that He Himself would be their inheritance.

These worshipers of God were used in more ways than simply providing music. The Hebrew word used for their service is from the same word used for military service, suggesting that their work was as carefully organized as a militia. They were often sent out ahead of armies to worship before battle, acknowledging that it is the power and presence of God, not necessarily the strength of an army, that wins miraculous victories for His people.

In our own struggles, we are instructed to worship God and accept His intricate knowledge and sovereign power over all the affairs of mankind, even to the smallest detail of our own lives. The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, God's presence with us and indwelling the heart of every true follower of His Son Jesus. The Levites were a "type" or symbol of Jesus who later said:

"The Son of Man did not come to be served,
But to serve,
And to give His life a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:28